International Yoga Day: Yoga Asanas For Beginners To Try At Home

International Yoga Day: Yoga Asanas For Beginners To Try At Home

Since ancient times Yoga has been an inseparable part of our culture. And, after being proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech in United Nations General Assembly 2014, this International Yoga Day is following its inception since then.

JUNE 21, is observed as a day to spread awareness about Yoga and its benefits.

Yoga is scientifically proven to provide answers to various ailments. Whether it is about raising immunity or enhancing the operation of critical organs in the body, yoga is an easy solution.

Specific asanas in Yoga are believed to strengthen the body and mind, in addition, boosts immunity and relieve weariness. Yoga is believed to raise our vibrations to the next level so that we are able to handle anything that comes our way.

Derived from Sanskrit, the word yoga means to join or unite.

When something has so many advantages, then why should we resist ourselves from bringing that idea into our daily practices. Asanas, pranayama, kriya, and meditation are some of the important four stages of Yoga that can help us in remaining fit physically as well as mentally.

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Apart from the new age concepts of the gym, let us explore further asanas that can help you as a beginner with tons of advantages:

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This one of the best asanas for beginners as you can do it with ease and comfort. This asana is beyond the horizons of physical dimension and bliss. If you want to get relief from anxiety and stress, then this asana is best for mental tiredness. It corrects the body posture and also helps in stretching the chest and spine.

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The Easy pose requires hip flexibility and back strength for those who want to hold the posture for a longer period of time.

People who are quite used to sitting on chairs must try this asana for strengthening their back and posture.

This asana not only improves concentration and focus but also promotes relaxation.

Try this asana with legs tucked inside the opposite thighs and keeping the spine vertically straight. Hands are placed on the knees during the breathing in and out process.

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To start with, kneel on the Yoga mat with hands on your hips. Arch backward as if you are pulled above by the navel keeping your hands on the ankles one by one. Try to stay in the position for a few seconds and then return to the original position. This will help in strengthening your back and hips. This asana is quite helpful in improving digestion and strengthening your back and shoulders. It relieves the body from lower backache.

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Moreover, it also helps in improving the flexibility of the spine that in turn improves your overall posture. Women suffering from menstrual discomfort must try this yoga pose. You can place a cushion on your knees to make the pose easier. One can easily find a suitable cushion at an attractive price for yoga practices via Flipkart coupons. In case you have a neck injury, try not to take your head pack while doing this camel pose. As it can have a reverse effect on your neck. People with high blood pressure and migraine try to ignore this asana.


Padmasana is a yoga posture that is done in a cross-legged position. This particular yoga asana stimulates the flow of energy in the body and has amazing benefits like deepening meditation by calming the mind and alleviating various physical ailments. Padmasana, that is the Lotus pose is also known as Vajra position in Tibetan Buddhism.

padmasana easy steps for beinners

In Padmasana, each mudra is different along with its benefits. For instance, a Chinmayi Mudra, Adi mudra and Bhrama mudra deepens the meditation. One should breathe for a few minutes while in the mudra and observe the flow of energy in the body.

This yoga asana is done with the right leg over the left thigh and the left leg over the right thigh. But, as a beginner you can choose Ardha Padmasana i.e, the Half Lotus Pose by placing one leg on the opposite thigh. There are several benefits of doing a Padmasana, like it improves digestion, reduces muscular tension, and regulates blood pressure.


This is an amazing yoga pose that has a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system.

Paschimottanasana is a great way to relax the mind and the body. The yoga asana is done by stretching your legs straight, bend touching with both hands in a sitting position. Try to touch your knees with the forehead, with time you will become flexible enough to do that with ease.

paschimottanasana steps for beginners

Combined with a healthy diet regime, this yoga asana tends to lose weight and improves muscle tone. In Hatha yoga, Pashimottanasana is very important as it helps in overall well-being. There are many benefits that are associated with this particular Yoga asana, such as it helps in stretching the lower back, hamstrings, and hips. Moreover, the asana helps in toning up the abdominal and pelvic organs.


Bhujangasna comes from the word Bhujanga that means cobra or snake. This pose is one of the well-known poses included in the Suryanamaskar i.e, Suryanamaskar(sun salutation poses). The yoga pose tends to open up shoulders and neck and tones the abdomen that results in improving flexibility of the upper and the middle back. It strengthens the entire back and shoulders and expands the chest. For patients who have a problem with blood pressure, should try doing this asana as it improves blood circulation and reduces fatigue and stress. It is also useful for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma. Beginners should avoid the jerks and overstretching while trying this yoga asana. And, also it would be better if the asana is done on a proper yoga mat, one can buy yoga mats on flipkart with free working flipkart coupons listed at That will help in keeping your yoga journey hassle-free.

Also read:
- How to get Rs.100 Coupon Code from Amazon while buying a Yoga mat.
- Getting flipkart discount coupons that work on online yoga mat purchasing.
- Brands at Decathlon to buy your favourite Yoga Mat.

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